Wednesday, May 10, 2017

this is life.

 So let's just say it this has been pretty crazy lately, but we've also made great memories, and had good times working together. Enjoy these snippets of my life...
and off came the blue week the new will begin to appear. 

I just told someone that our house looks a little haunted :/ I am very excited for the new siding! 

We got almost all new windows this past week, and like you saw earlier, our siding got ripped off,  so we did some different things so we were out of the house, and didn't get in the way of those working. The girls had a few school days to finish up last week, and one day we went to "The Fish Place." We got to pet sting rays! 

Another day we went and visited Great Grandma Weaver at Garden Spot. She left us swim in the Garden Spot pool 🌝

Before we went swimming, we visited with Grandma and had lunch in her apartment. (Sorry about the blurry picture 😐)

These chilly evenings call for warm campfire!

....and a goat-on-top-of-a-cow picture to end 😃 

1 comment:

  1. I love all these pictures! They are the best posts... all random stuff about life lately. Also, touching sting rays is so cool! I did that for the first time at SeaWorld! That last picture is great.... :-)
