Monday, November 5, 2018

Hola + Adios

Hola to my dear blogger friends!!
I hope this blog post finds you happy and well 😀

I'm sure many of you have realized that I have been pretty slackish over here in the blogger world. Cause I too have come to the conclusion that I have been pretty absent. And sad to say it, I am here to tell y'all that you probably won't be hearing from me much anymore. I am not going to totally quit blogging, and shut everything down, but just kicking it back a couple notches! I hope to update this blog a couple times a year, but probably not much more than that. 😔 I've realized that this "adventure" in life is coming to a as a teenager is keeping me pretty busy, as well as home responsibilities and I no longer have the time and energy to keep the blog updated. 
BUUUT....I am honestly so very grateful for each one of you that has read my blog. Whether you've been here ever since the beginning, or only stopped in a time or two, THANK YOU. Each of your comments, tags, ideas and etc. all meant so much to me!! I am grateful for each one of you.
Keep serving Jesus with your whole heart...He loves each one of you dearly. 

"Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of  love and peace will be with you."
-2 Corinthians 13:11

Love and peace to y'all, 
Shalom 💕