Saturday, March 4, 2017

R A N D O M + U P D A T E

  • Wow, where do I even start? Things have just been so crazy...a week ago today, we were in much different state. On Saturday, February 25, 2017 we got hit with tornado like winds and things have been a whirl wind ever since. I am planning to do a blog post with LOADS of pictures and more information, {sometime} when I get enough umption in my gumption.

  • We are just so overwhelmed and thankful with all the help and kindness people have shown. God's people are so truly amazing.

  • We were planning to go on tour to VA with our choir this weekend (Me & Brent) but with all that happened this week with the storm, and also me being sick a lot of the week, we just decided to stay home and try to recoup. We are really disappointed to be missing it all though.....

  • I've been struggling with my health this winter, and we are beginning to wonder if something in my gut isn't quite right. I got blood work done last week, and they called us with some of the results and everything is fine, but the celiac one didn't come back yet, so I am anxious to see what that says and hopefully have some answers!

  • My cousins came back from Cambodia this week, and that is really exciting!! With all that is happening, we haven't been able to spend much time with them, but we can't wait to catch up again!! (they lived in Cambodia for about 4 years and started a Café over there!)

  • So, I will be back {hopefully} early this coming week with a blog post about the storm. Stay tuned!!

  • Till then - adiόs! 😉


  1. whoah.. i was speechless when I read the second line!! wow.
    Did it affect you house? Hopefully no one is hurt! I'm so full of questions!!! we had a hard storm hit with hail, but it was quickly over. No real damage.
    I'll start praying that your results come back healthy!! :)
    Thanks a lot for the random update!!

    1. Maybe I should have explained a little more so people don't freak out!! It didn't damage our house except a few cosmetic things, but it damaged/destroyed about 3 of our barns. But, PTL through the whole thing no one was hurt, except very minor things! I'll try to get that post started and finished so you can see everything :)

  2. Hello... I was checking out your blog tonight. :) I'm curious what area of Cambodia your cousins are at? My Dad is going to Siem Reap, Cambodia with Christian Aid Ministries later this month.

    1. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog :)
      They were in Sihanoukville Cambodia!

    2. Oh okay, looks like that would be pretty far apart then! :) We've been studying the country since Dad will be going, and it's a neat country!

    3. It is a very neat country! We didn't visit them, beings all the far traveling, but I think it would be neat to visit Cambodia some day.
