Saturday, July 1, 2017

It isn't always easy || weekly encouragement

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes social media makes everything look great and grand. But it's not always all the fun pictures and things we write about. Life has its ups ↑ and downs ↓ and through it all, we need to cling to Jesus. Things haven't been easy some of you know, I struggle with tummy issues, and sometimes they flare up, and I get really discouraged. Why do I have do go through this? Why can't I just be normal? That is how I feel. But like those around me have been reminding me, "What is Jesus trying to teach through this?" I'd like just to wake up, and feel great and never have to not feel good again, but as good as that sounds, that's just not how things go. So, lately, I have been wanting to just grow closer to Jesus, just to continue to trust Him through everything. To be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12), and to be fully alive with Jesus. To learn and dig deeper into His word, to be able to minister to others. So I am encouraging you, and me, to be fully alive with Jesus, and to think on Him, study His word, and be in prayer constantly. It's not easy, but with His help, we can accomplish oh so much!! So, to each one of you, wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, whether you're in an up ↑ or a down ↓ look to Him each and every day, and ask Him for wisdom to keep on with this life. Blessings, friends! 


  1. Thank-you for writing this!!! It is very encouraging. I really needed to hear something like this today. THANK-YOU

  2. Aww! Shalom, sending hugs and praying this week is better for ya! 💖😘 love ya, friend ❤

  3. Beautiful verse, Shalom!

  4. Thank you so much for this, Shalom!!!
    I'll be praying for you! :)

  5. Thank you for your sweet comments, friends!!!
